Di kantor, Anda pasti memiliki meja kerja Anda sendiri. Meja kerja merupakan tempat dimana Anda menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu saat bekerja Anda. Tanpa Anda sadari, benda-benda yang berada di atas meja Anda ternyata memperngaruhi kinerja Anda di kantor. Ada benda-benda yang akan menunjang kinerja Anda, namun ada beberapa benda yang tidak baik Anda taruh di atas meja Anda.
In the office, you have your own desk. Desk is a place where you spent most of your time working. Without you realizing it, the things that you have on your desk are affecting your work performance at work. There are some things that will help you improve your work performance, but there are some other things that are not good to be put on a desk.
Jika Anda meletakan hp Anda diatas meja, Anda akan tergoda untuk melihat aneka media sosial melalui smartphone, apalagi jika terdapat notifikasi, rasa penasaran pun muncul dan akhirnya Anda malah keasyikan dan menunda pekerjaan Anda.
If you put your phone on top of your desk, you will feel tempted to see all kinds of social media through your phone, plus if there are notifications, your will feel curious and in the end, you will open and play with your phone and forget about your work.
Makanan Sisa (Leftovers)
Makanan sisa hanya akan membuat meja Anda terlihat kotor dan tidak rapi. Tidak hanya itu, makanan sisa yang ada tidak hanya akan menggangu Anda, namun akan mengganggu rekan kerja Anda jika makanan tersebut menimbulkan bau.
The leftovers on your desk will only make your desk dirty and unclean. Not only that, the leftovers will not only bother you, but it will also bother your co-workers if the leftovers leave an unpleasant smell.